Zodiac Tea collection

  • ARIES: Blueberry, Lavender, Honeysuckle...
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    $39.95 USD
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  • TAURUS: Chamomile, Calendula, Chrysanthemum…
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    $39.95 USD
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    $39.95 USD
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  • GEMINI: Jasmine, Chamomile, Peppermint…
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    $39.95 USD
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    $39.95 USD
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  • CANCER: Papaya, Pomegranate, Hibiscus…
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    $39.95 USD
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    $39.95 USD
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  • LEO: Orange, Mango, Sea Buckthorn Berries…
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    $39.95 USD
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    $39.95 USD
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  • VIRGO: Peach, Mango, Blood Orange…
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    $39.95 USD
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    $39.95 USD
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  • LIBRA: Apricot, Almond, Cherry Blossom, Spearmint…
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    $39.95 USD
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    $39.95 USD
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  • SCORPIO: Chai, Cardamom, Cinnamon, Apple…
    Regular price
    $39.95 USD
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    $39.95 USD
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  • SAGITTARIUS: Apricot, Almond, Vanilla…
    Regular price
    $39.95 USD
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    $39.95 USD
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  • CAPRICORN: Black Cherry, Rose Hip, Cherry Blossom…
    Regular price
    $39.95 USD
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    $39.95 USD
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  • AQUARIUS: Raspberry, Pomegranate, Peony White Tea…
    Regular price
    $39.95 USD
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    $39.95 USD
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  • PISCES: Lemon, Ginseng, Ginger, Lemongrass…
    Regular price
    $39.95 USD
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    $39.95 USD
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SunMoonRising Allegorical Collections

Simply T(ea) Zodiac

The mission is Simple:

Feed your ruling zodiac sign, like you should feed your body.

Each Zodiac Sign rules certain aspects of the human body. The internal and external decrees of those ruling areas can be subject to ailments in each part.

Each Simply T(ea) collection is specifically formulated for each individual zodiac, to optimize and nourish you with organic and natural ingredients.

The special herbal blend formulation will help fortify those ruling areas so that you can focus on ruling the outward areas of your life.

Each T(ea) collection comes with healing crystals to amplify health benefits. Aligning and grounding the spiritual, emotional, mental and physical body.

Life is already challenging, let’s simplify it where we can.

Tea please

Intention Hydration

Water is Life. Boost your day by hydrating your body with our energy charged Intention Crystal BPA free glass bottles.

Intention Crystal Bottles are designed to magnetize desired energy and outcomes for you. Setting your intention upon your water bottle with clarity and positive intentions. Drawing energies from the external to you internally, versus the other way around.

Please be clear with your intention setting. Do not place undesired requests such as “I do not want” upon your intention crystal drinking bottle. Intentions should be set prior to beverage consumption. Crystals in bottom chamber are housed separately from intermingling with your consumption. They have been cleansed through meditation and sage. Crystals may also be switched out or added to.

Healing Hydration Collection

The Raw Oracle Deck

The Raw Oracle divination deck takes an unfiltered and double entendre raw approach into cultivation and introspection of self awareness. Oftentimes we avoid that much needed internal dialogue and reflection. Allow the soul searching process to progress. Remove the rose tinted glasses and change the hue. Let your ascension and path be guided with the rawness your raw self needs.

Sometimes it’s those uncomfortable truths that move us into the direction we are supposed to.

With its easy to understand and in your face rawness, it is a great choice for a first time deck It also makes a great gift for an avid tarot and oracle deck collector. Buy as a gift or add to your collection.

See the Raw Oracle Deck being used and get a feel for its rawness by watching Tarot readings on YouTube at The Raw Oralce channel.

Add this deck to your collection

Amplified Aroma Therapy

Amplify your essence with healing crystals. Customize your own essential oils or fragrances with the spice and benefits of healing crystals. Aromatize your own essence

Aromatize me

Simply T(ea) Buddy

Make your favorite zodiac T(ea) or any tea on the go. The sleek BPA free design with infuser makes sipping your tea anywhere in style that doesn’t cramp your space.

Let’s be cute together

Tarot Reading

Schedule a personal tarot reading. Find out about: Love, Your Purpose, Life’s Goals, Career, Money, Family, Health, or get a General Reading. Ask up to 3 questions. It will be my pleasure to help you get answers and shine light unto your queries.



You could be a coffee, a sensual aroma that awakens one’s faculties; the body, heavy and earthy. That hot, bitter taste that is masked with a creamer. Where adding that sweetness and color changes your effect. Where One drinks you down, tasting that sweet caramel vanilla. Hiding the taste of bitter, masking your high acidity. Where one’s heart then beats rapidly and unsteady. You could be a coffee, that triggers all one’s synapses, offering that momentary high. Like a shot of whiskey, quick and temporary. Just to feel that rush, that high, that sweet flavor, until the lingering after taste spoils one’s parlance.

You could be a coffee, but are a tea. Which is to be sipped and enjoyed; the perfect smoothness and temperature. A taste so delightful upon one’s palette, that requires no masking or deception of sweetness. Taking you all down, with one’s senses in tune, their heart steady and calm.

You are a tea, a perfection with a lasting effect 

Lisa C. ~ Casper Snippets


I bought these for my co-workers as a unique gift to give in appreciation. I ordered myself some as well. My co-workers and I adore the tea. The presentation is gorgeous. The tea bags are so beautiful and colorful. They are very big and actually expand since they are stuffed so full. The taste is amazing. The Leo tea is definitely my favorite from all the zodiac teas.

Julie C.

I had to get the crystal aroma roller bottles as stocking stuffers for the ladies in my family. They were such a hit with everyone. With in-laws asking and inquiring about how they can also get some. What a great buy

Jeff M.

The healing Crystal Water Bottles are so beautiful and make me feel really happy and excited every time I have a sip from it. I originally ordered the clear quartz for the healing benefits and I found it to be more beneficial than what I ordered it for. What a great gift. I will be sending these as gifts to my family. Thank you!

Anastacia C.


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Buy any 3 Simply T(ea) collections or

 2 Crystal Intention Bottles and save.

Check Social Media for codes!