Protects Against Liver Damage

Milk thistle tea is often prescribed for liver treatments. It contains silymarin, an active ingredient, which is composed of three different flavonoids. A study published in the Journal of Applied Toxicology directly links silymarin to repairing liver cells and protecting against liver damage induced by acetaminophen. According to several studies, it is also used in cirrhosis of the liver and hepatocellular carcinoma.  [2]

Reduces Inflammation

This herbal tea has quite a few anti-inflammatory properties that can ease the pain of arthritis, gout, headaches, migraines, aches, joint disorders, and stomach upset, among many others. [4]

Protects Heart Health

Milk thistle tea is known to lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels, which relieves the strain and stress on the cardiovascular system. This can lower your risk of atherosclerosis, heart attacks, and strokes, as well as coronary heart diseases. [5]

Weight Loss

Many weight loss specialists recommend milk thistle tea for people trying to lose weight. It can stimulate the metabolism and suppress the appetite, increasing passive fat-burning and helping people resist snacking in between the meals. [6]

Reduces Digestive Issues

If you suffer from constipation, bloating, cramping, or excess flatulence, milk thistle tea can optimize your digestive system, relieve inflammation in the gut tissues, and ensure that proper nutrient uptake is taking place. [7]

Detoxifies the Body

By improving the health and function of the liver, in addition to being a diuretic substance, milk thistle tea is excellent for cleansing the body and reducing strain on the renal and lymphatic systems. Increasing urination can aid kidney and bladder health, and eliminate excess toxins, fats, salts, and water from the body. [8]

Controls Diabetes

The blood sugar-regulating properties of milk thistle tea are extremely important for people with diabetes. According to a recent study by Phytomedicine: International Journal of Phytotherapy and Phytopharmacology, silymarin supplementation improves blood glucose levels and lipid profiles of type-2 diabetes patients. Although, further studies are needed to validate the use of silymarin for metabolic control of type-2 diabetes patients. [9]

Prevents Chronic Disease

The flavonoids and other antioxidants found in this tea are able to counter oxidative stress and the activity of free radicals in the body, which are responsible for chronic diseases, cellular mutation, and apoptosis. High antioxidant levels improve the health of the entire body and can even slow down the aging process! [10]

supports liver health, promotes skin health, reduces cholesterol, supports weight loss, reduces insulin resistance, improves allergic asthma symptoms, limits the spread of cancer, supports bone health, improves cognition, boosts immune system